Jang Jamal aur Jang Sufain ka Yahudi Pas Manzar جنگ جمل اور صفین کا یہودی پس منظر تحریر: ڈاکٹر محمد حمید اللہ

Jang Jamal aur Jang Sufain ka Yahudi Pas Manzar

By: Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah

جنگ جمل اور صفین کا یہودی پس منظر

تحریر: ڈاکٹر محمد حمید اللہ


Islam is the target of Jew’s conspiracy from the day first. In the life of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, Abdullah Bin Abi and later other known and unknown conspirator hurt Muslims and Islam. Ibn Saba was also one of great conspirator against Islam. This article shows how he stages the conspiracy against 3rd Caliph Usman R.A. and later against Muslims. Muslim fought many battles due to these conspiracies. Battle of Jamal and Sufain were also planted by Jews


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