Khutabat e Bahawalpur No.7 Aihad Nabvi mein Mumlikat aur Nazam o Nasq خطبات بہاولپور نمبر7 عہد نبوی میں مملکت اور نظم و نسق

Khutabat e Bahawalpur No.7 Aihad Nabvi mein Mumlikat aur Nazam o Nasq خطبات بہاولپور نمبر7 عہد نبوی میں مملکت اور نظم و نسق

Khutabat e Bahawalpur No.7
خطبات بہاولپور نمبر 7
Aihad Nabvi mein Mumlikat aur Nazam o Nasq
عہد نبوی میں مملکت اور نظم و نسق
By Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah.


This is 7th lecture delivered by Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah at Islamia University Bahawalpur in 1980. This this lecture Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah described about the system of Government at before the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. Aslo told what are the measures taken after the migration to Madina to establish a state for the Islam. There is also history of Kaaba from the time of Hazrat Adam (A.S.) till the victory of Makkah by Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.


AdamDr. Muhammad HamidullahHistoryIslamMadina
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